Winter Fun Day 2024 - 30/12

⭐ Rudolph's Magic Day⭐
What a heartwarming day of storytelling and festive cheer! Our little friends discovered the enchanting tale of Rudolph, joined in joyfully singing his famous song, and created adorable reindeer crafts with their magical hands. Every story shared and craft made filled our hearts with Christmas spirit! ⭐ Thank you for being part of our special reindeer adventure!

⭐ 小鹿奇妙日 ⭐
今日真係好溫馨!小朋友聽完小鹿嘅動人故事,開心咁一齊唱佢嘅著名歌曲,仲用充滿創意嘅雙手製作咗可愛嘅小鹿手工。每個分享故事同製作手工嘅時刻都充滿咗聖誕氣氛!⭐ 多謝大家參與我哋嘅小鹿特別歷險!