KC Summer Preschool Week 3


白色的沙子伴隨海浪拍打的聲音,太陽高高掛在天上,Imperial 小朋友紛紛分享他們能在沙灘參與的活動。在沙灘上,一定要堆沙堡,和朋友一起比賽誰的沙堡最高!上星期主題學習了雪糕站,也非常適合沙灘。小朋友一邊玩遊戲,一邊學習知識,提高英語詞彙

Summer Preschool Review : Activities At the Beach 

The white sand accompanied by the sound of waves crashing, the sun high up in the sky, Imperial children have been sharing the activities they can participate in at the beach. On the beach , you must definitely build sandcastles, and compete with friends on who can build the tallest one! Last week, we learned about the ice cream station , which is also very suitable for the beach. Kids play games while learning, improving their English vocabulary .