KC Summer Preschool Week 2


雖然最近天氣較多雨,但係天氣依然非常炎熱。這個時候,享受雪糕也是夏天必做的事情之一。於是,這個星期Imperial 小朋友學習了雪糕相關的材料和知識。除了吃雪糕外,當然要去沙灘活動啦,那麼沙灘上有什麼活動可以進行?一起期待下星期的活動內容吧。

Summer Activities Review : Ice Cream Stand 

Although the weather has been rather rainy recently, the weather is still extremely hot.  At this time, enjoying ice cream is also one of the must-do things in the summer. Therefore, this week the Imperial kids learned about ice cream-related materials and knowledge.  Apart from eating ice cream, of course, we should also go to the beach for activities, so what activities can we do on the beach? Let's look forward to the activities for next week.