KC Summer Preschool Week 1


我們 Imperial 小朋友也完成了他們薄餅店為主題的一星期夏令營。通過設計薄餅和增加配料訓練創意思維和小肌肉協調。同時小朋友亦扮演了廚師的角色,學習不同薄餅配料的英文詞彙和啟發想像力。主題學習讓小朋友能夠沉澱式地在過程當中學習知識,下一期主題是雪糕站,期待小朋友的發揮!

Summer Activities Review: Pizza House 

 Our Imperial children have also completed their first week summer preschool with a focus on a pizza theme. Through designing pizzas and increasing toppings, they trained their creative thinking and fine motor coordination. At the same time, the kids also played the role of chefs, learning the English vocabulary for different pizza toppings and inspiring their imagination. Thematic learning allows the kids to learn knowledge in an immersive process, and the next theme will be an ice cream stand, looking forward to their performance!