Dragon Boat Festival

Imperial 小朋友祝大家端午節快樂。不知道大家有沒有觀看龍舟比賽!為慶祝節日,小朋友和老師一起包粽子,跟着拍子賽龍舟,而且聆聽了關於端午節的故事。希望大家能夠享受傳統節日氣氛,在這天和親友相聚。

Imperial children wish everyone a Happy Dragon Boat Festival! We wonder if you all have watched the dragon boat races!  To celebrate the holiday, the children and teachers made zongzi (rice dumplings) together, raced dragon boats to the beat, and listened to stories about the Dragon Boat Festival. I hope everyone can enjoy the traditional festival atmosphere and gather with family and friends on this day.